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What does the term NIC Handle mean?
What is a registration form?
What is a host (name server)?
What is a Name Server?
What does the term Resolve mean?
What is a Domain Name System (DNS)?
What is a Domain Name?

What does the term NIC Handle mean?

NIC Handle: A NIC Handle is a unique identifier, with up to 10 alpha-numeric characters assigned to each domain name record, contact record, and network record in Network Solutions’ domain name database. Leave this space blank if you don't have one or know what it is.

What is a registration form?

Registration Forms: Forms that are used to submit and process registration requests. These forms, which include the Service Agreement and Host Form, are used to register new domain names, new contacts for domain names, and new hosts (name servers) and to update domain name, contact, and host records. Web and plain text (ASCII) versions of the forms exist.

What is a host (name server)?

Host (Name Server): This term is often used to refer to name servers, the computers that have both the software and the data required to resolve domain names to Internet Protocol (IP) numbers.

What is a Name Server?

Name Server: Also called a host or a name server. A computer that has both the software and the data (zone files) needed to resolve domain names to Internet Protocol (IP) numbers.

What does the term Resolve mean?

Resolve: The term describes how domain names are matched with corresponding Internet Protocol (IP) numbers. “Resolution” is accomplished by a combination of computers and software, referred to as name servers, which use the data in the Domain Name System to determine which IP numbers correspond to a particular domain name.

What is a Domain Name System (DNS)

Domain Name System (DNS): A distributed database of information that is used to translate domain names, which are easy for humans to remember and use, into Internet Protocol (IP) numbers, which are what computers need to find each other on the Internet. People working on computers around the globe maintain their specific portion of this database, and the data held in each part of the database is made available to all computers and users on the Internet. The DNS comprises computers, data files, software, and people working together.

What is a Domain Name:

Domain Name: An addressing construct used to identify and locate Internet computers. Domain names provide a system of easy-to-remember Internet addresses, which can be translated by the Domain Name System (DNS) into the numeric addresses (Internet Protocol (IP) numbers) used by the network. A domain name is hierarchical and often conveys information about the type of entity using the domain name. A domain name is simply a label that represents a domain, which is a subset of the total domain name space. Domain names at the same level of the hierarchy must be unique. Thus, for example, there can be only one .COM at the top level of the hierarchy, and only one networksolutions.com at the next level of the hierarchy.

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